Do you enjoy getting spanked? Then buy this program.
DO NOT BUY THIS GAME: IT IS RIGGED!!! Talk of too many 7s showing up when playing pass and 4s and 10s showing up frequently when playing dont are both true. I played 10 sets of each side -- pass and dont. Heres what I found. When playing pass, more 7s show up then statistical average almost every single time. When playing the dont 7s show up way too few times; in this case I took out the sevens that were thrown when the only bet was the dont come. What this tells you is that the programmer(s) has put a skew into the programme to predjudice the outcome. It is also true that when a big bet is placed that the programme is set up to take you down, no matter the timing of that big bet. The way I tested this is I would bet big continuously on pass and see what the outcome would be if I played dont pass and kept track of this on paper. Did this ten times for each side. While losing enormous amounts of money on the game, my paper win was equally enormous. Big bet is moe than 2.0%-2.5% of your bankroll. This tells me that the programmer(s) has a hidden agenda: It appears that they want to teach us a lesson that gambling is not good for you and that you can never win, ergo the title of this review. Basically, you are being TREATED LIKE A CHILD and virtually spanked for bad behavior. All joking aside, it appears that the programmer is skewing the probability outcomes by skewing the probability of sevens coming out. The reasons are plenty: casinos could be paying him off, ego (may be he feels that no one would/should bet more than 2.0%-2.5% of ones bankroll, i.e., you wouldnt do it in a casino why should i let you do it with my game?), or the programmer is trying to hook you to his game by making you lose so you keep playing it to try and win. The programmer also throws a lot of numbers when there are no additional bets or money so that he/she can balance out the dice throw table and not make it look like they are skewing the outcome. Finally, I did another experiment. This time I put large 6&8 place bets with the come out roll (working both numbers) and played pass only. Over 1,083 rolls both the 6 & 8 were under represented by about 5% each while the 7 came out about 10% more than its supposed to. If that isnt a clear sign of a rigged game I dont know what is. I wish I could paste the dice chart graph because it is very, very telling. Bottom-line DO NOT BUY THIS PROGRAMME it is not a fair game.
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